Wednesday, January 10, 2018

indiexpo Facebook Stats

Facebook is actually the most important (and used) Social Network in the World.
As you already know, we have a fan page, called Indie Games.

It's going very good. We use it to share our videos, promote games, interview developers, post funny stuffs, give free tutorials, etc.

But... who's watching and following it?
Today we want to show you our Statistics!

Go with the first slide!

The 89% of our followers are Men. We already know that the men plays more videogames than women. 13-17 are only at the 4%. Also because the "new gen" is using also other Social Networks, like Snapchat or Instagram (and also because several users sign up on Facebook like 18).
As you can see the page is followed by 18-34.

Go with the second slide!

Contries and Cities. Italy is at the first place, also because the website was born in Italy and we're linked with a lot of italian forums and communities.
The views from Brazil is growing up fastly! We shared the website on Brazil Communities only in the last year... and it's going very good!

We hope to reach new players and devs this new year! 

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